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Working with a financial institution to mature an existing online presence
Helping to Cultivate a Real Estate's first online presence.
A New and more modern look for an existing e-commerce enabled application
Everybody has to work with technology in one way or another. Whether you're using a cell phone to make a call; check the stocks; or check on your house, driving a car or getting a drink from a vending machine you're using technology. Some of this technology is second nature to most people. But at one time it was all new technology that introduced new terms, new tasks and new benefits.
Technology comes in all shapes, sizes and forms of complexity. Breaking down this complexity into smaller easier to understand and manage information is our goal. Everybody should be able to benefit from new technology but not everybody has the time or resources to understand and determine which technology is right for them. Our goal is to help simplify this process and assist individuals and companies in determining what technologies could be the most beneficial to them. Along the ways we hope to be able to introduce tools or methodoligies to make these technologies easier to manage and understand. That is our committen to our clients.
4SS.NET is a web developing and application development company that specializes in a wide range of technologies. With a wide array of languages and frameworks like Delphi, C++, VB6, C#, Java, VB.Net, PHP, ASP 3.0, JSP at our disposal we can provide solutions powered in many languages.
We specialize in creating custom solutions for client's. Whether it is an internet site for everybody, a local intranet for internal use or custom applications for internal or external use. We also offer a wide range of web-related skills such as search engine optimization & submission and site optimization. We want to help people bridge the gap between fading technologies of yesterday with todays technology while maintaining an easy to manage and easy to migrate path to emerging technologies of tomrrow and beyond.
Our goal is to create innovative easy to understand solutions. In a world where it sometimes seems like software is doing the same thing it was doing 5 years ago we are trying to pave a road by offering solutions that go beyond the expected normal. In a world where people try to make technology seem more complex then it is or then it has to be so as to confuse people we attempt to explain and make technology easier to understand and use.